The Unshackled Queen: Never Say Never free novel - Chapter 727

Chapter 727


Without mincing words, he patted the sofa and inquired, “Are you involved with Hannah Moore?”
Bryson’s brow furrowed slightly upon hearing this unexpected question, and he responded with a cold smile, “I don’t see how that’s any of your business?”
Instead of fixating on the matter of his involvement with Hannah, Keith abruptly shifted the conversation.
“Many people are vying for the project in the east district. If it were to end up in the hands of your competition from Muvrand, that would be quite intriguing, wouldn’t it?”
Upon hearing the veiled threat in Keith’s voice, Bryson couldn’t help but burst into laughter, his slender fingers interlacing.
“It appears that your father is doing quite well overseas. Now, his son dares to come here and threaten me.” Bryson’s face, shrouded in the dim light, bore a particularly gloomy expression.
“Is he already weary of the Newfort business?”
Keith’s expression shifted momentarily before returning to its usual state.
“The Compton family doesn’t have the habit of making enemies.
As for the bidding, the highest bidder will secure the project.”
“Oh, really?” Bryson seemed to have an inkling of Keith’s motives and, when he looked into the distance he noticed Hannah’s absence.
When his eyes fell on Keith, Bryson grew slightly impatient.
“I have other matters to attend to,” he said.
He rose from his seat, bypassed Keith, and gracefully made his way to the center of the banquet hall.
Meanwhile, Edwin, taking a glass of juice and a glass of wine from the waiter, approached Hannah with a cheerful demeanor.
“Hannah, don’t drink tonight. Have some juice instead. I’ll fend off anyone attempting to propose a toast,” said Edwin.
Hannah accepted the glass of juice, took a sip, and grinned at Edwin.
“Impressive. You’re becoming quite astute.”
Without mincing words, he patted the sofa and inquired, “Are you involved with Hannah Moore?”
Bryson’s brow furrowed slightly upon hearing this unexpected question, and he responded with a cold smile, “I don’t see how that’s any of your business?”
Instead of fixating on the matter of his involvement with Hannah, Keith abruptly shifted the conversation.
“Many people are vying for the project in the east district. If it were to end up in the hands of your competition from Muvrand, that would be quite intriguing, wouldn’t it?”
Upon hearing the veiled threat in Keith’s voice, Bryson couldn’t help but burst into laughter, his slender fingers interlacing.
“It appears that your father is doing quite well overseas. Now, his son dares to come here and threaten me.” Bryson’s face, shrouded in the dim light, bore a particularly gloomy expression.
“Is he already weary of the Newfort business?”
Keith’s expression shifted momentarily before returning to its usual state.
“The Compton family doesn’t have the habit of making enemies.
As for the bidding, the highest bidder will secure the project.”
“Oh, really?” Bryson seemed to have an inkling of Keith’s motives and, when he looked into the distance he noticed Hannah’s absence.
When his eyes fell on Keith, Bryson grew slightly impatient.
“I have other matters to attend to,” he said.
He rose from his seat, bypassed Keith, and gracefully made his way to the center of the banquet hall.
Meanwhile, Edwin, taking a glass of juice and a glass of wine from the waiter, approached Hannah with a cheerful demeanor.
“Hannah, don’t drink tonight. Have some juice instead. I’ll fend off anyone attempting to propose a toast,” said Edwin.
Hannah accepted the glass of juice, took a sip, and grinned at Edwin.
“Impressive. You’re becoming quite astute.”
Edwin lifted his chin proudly.
“Of course, this is just the basics.”
As he raised his glass, a fellow guest collided with his elbow on their way to the dessert table.
The delicate stemware slipped from his grasp, and crimson wine cascaded onto his pristine white suit, blemishing it irreparably.
“Are… Are you okay?”
The words were uttered by a man who had clearly indulged in one too many drinks, his eyes were glazed over, and his scent betrayed the potency of his intoxication.
Edwin lifted his chin proudly.
“Of course, this is just the basics.”
As he raised his glass, a fellow guest collided with his elbow on their way to the dessert table.
The delicate stemware slipped from his grasp, and crimson wine cascaded onto his pristine white suit, blemishing it irreparably.
“Are… Are you okay?”
The words were uttered by a man who had clearly indulged in one too many drinks, his eyes were glazed over, and his scent betrayed the potency of his intoxication.

